Friday, September 30, 2011

Excuse Me....

Well a very strange thing happened too other day. I was at the Library picking up my movies that were on hold. There was a book on hold instead. I never ever order books only movies! I could not figure out why I had this book there.The Librarian said it was no mistake. I looked at the book and it was titled- Excuse Me, Your Soul Mate Is Waiting. I was flabbergasted and perplexed and was thinking, "What is going on here?" This is the very subject I was dealing with in my life.....Hello!! There was no mistake I was holding this book and the very thought of it sent shivers up my spine. I mean we all know I have been wanting to meet and find my soul mate. I quickly thought do I have Alzheimers? Did I forget I ordered this book? No, I could not have forgot because I never order books and I would have discussed it with the Librarian and we would  have ordered it in together which we didn't. I remember thinking a while back I would like to maybe get or read a book on this subject but that was it.

I opened the book and started reading it. It stated in there that if you have this book in your possession you attracted it to you. Can you believe it! Some of the things this book is telling me to do I started doing a few days ago. What a coincidence or is it? It talks about the law of attraction and how you can co-create anything that you want into your life. The steps are 1. Identify what you don't want. 2. Then identify what you do want. 3. Get into the "feeling place" of what you want. 4. Expect, listen, and allow it to happen.
The author of this book decided a while back she wanted to write a dating book. She thought there are so many single people looking for love in their lives. She knew they were making a lot of mistakes in the dating arena.  As a professional matchmaker, she realized she had a lot to say that could help people. She felt passionate and excited to share that knowledge with others. Still, she worried that there were too many dating books saturating the market. But instead of letting that fear stop and worry her, she affirmed that she had her own style, experience, and humor to offer. Feeling confident on this, she went ahead and wrote the book. Of course, getting a book published isn't always easy. At the same time her agent was shopping around for a publisher, the book He's Just Not That Into You came out. Everyone was talking about and buying that book making it difficult to get a publisher interested her book. In the mean-time, a co-worker gave her a copy of Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting as a gift. She read the book and it loved it. It became her bible. She even practiced the techniques. She started every morning by affirming and feeling that she was already a professional writer and her writing was in demand. She visualized her book already in the stores! then she let if go. She used the Law of Attraction techniques, believed her book would get published, and kept writing.
Soon thereafter, She went to a women's conference hosted by a writer friend, and her publisher got up to speak. One of the books happened to be Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting. She was blown away. Afterward, she approached him and told him with enthusiasm how much she loved that book and how it had become her "bible". He said they were doing a new series of Excuse Me Books, and she might be the perfect person to write one on relationships. Magic! The Law of Attraction worked! There was no doubt in her mind that she felt and created this opportunity in her life.
What a great learning lesson! This book on meeting your soul mate is going to become my bible. There is a lot to be said about the Law of Attraction. When we want to succeed with a certain project in our life we need to just be that confident and know that it is going to happen. We need to see and it and visualize it! We can not have the slightest doubt in the back of our mind that we are not worthy and it should happen for us. So let us all work on the Law of Attraction in our lives. I am going to be doing this to meet my soul mate!        Beverly

Friday, September 16, 2011

Being Prepared is Golden

Lately I have seen a lot of movies that have the word "Yukon" somewhere in the title. They are mostly John Wayne movies and other old western movies. So I decided to Look up and read about the Yukon Territory. The Yukon Territory is located in Western Canada which borders Alaska. It is the westernmost and smallest of the 3 western federal territories in Canada. It is where the "Gold Rush" was in 1897-1899.The Gold Rush lasted barely 2 years. It was very short lived. It was known as the Klondike Gold Rush and the Alaskan Gold Rush. Some people called it the Alaskan Gold Rush because It was owned by the Alaskan Peninsula and some of the gold miners docked in the Alaskan ports.It was one of the last great gold rushes. Most people spent more on personal expenses and getting there than what they earned mining the gold.

The California gold rush was started back in the year 1949. It was another great gold rush. People were crazy back then with gold fever. They would do just about anything to get there hands on some gold! The Yukon territory was named after the Yukon River that runs through it. There are several glacier fed lakes that empty into the Yukon river. Besides mining gold they also mind silver, zinc, copper, and other precious metals there in the Yukon. Precious metals are wonderful to have but I believe there is going to come a day when we will barter with food and water and other import commodities. There were several movies and books written about the Yukon Gold Rush. "The Call of The Wild" written By Jack London was one of them. The winters last very long there with sub artic and artic weather there. The summers are short but the days have long hours of sunshine so a lot of plants, vegetables, and fruit grow there. Its very interesting to learn and read about the famous Yukon Gold Rush and other gold rushes as well.

I only hope in these latter days when things get rough we don't get crazy with "Food  Fever" like they did with gold fever. I hope we can all be a prepared people and come together with love, patience and unity.

It is important to have our 2 year food and water supply. We should also be storing medical supplies and devices to provide heat and light etc. etc. It has been said "If we are prepared we shall not have to fear!" So as I go to sleep tonight and ponder these things I will have a restful sleep and not be fearful because I am pretty well prepared as I hope you all are too! 'Til next time......Beverly

Thursday, September 8, 2011

All American

I am in a Patriotic mood this weekend probably because it is the Labor Day Holiday. I watched some good football games this weekend showing great team spirit. BYU played Ole Miss and was behind most of the game until the 4th quarter where they persevered and won them 14-13. What an exciting jaw dropping game this was. Even though Ole Miss was ahead most of the game their coach was always screaming and yelling and making a scene. Bronco Mendenhall was always composed and and in control of his actions and led his BYU team to victory. I think there is a lesson to learn here. He leads his team with a lot of love.
Another coach that led his team with love was Knute Rockne All American. He was a famous football coach for Notre Dame University.They made a movie about him starring Pat O'Brien, president Ronald Regan and others. Ronad Regan played George Gipper who was one of his best all time players. Notre Dame selected George Gipper as their first all American. He was one of the only players that played various positions. He played quarter back, half back, and punter. He is still all time leader for a career in average yards per rush, average yards per play, and for total offense yards per game total offense-128.4.  
Knute Rockne was a football player and regarded as one of the greatest  football coaches in college football history. His biography at the College Foot Ball Hall of Fame calls him " American football's most renowned coach."  He is credited with popularizing the forward pass. He was born in Norway March 4th, 1988. He learned to play football in the neighborhood as a kid. He worked hard, saved up money, and later put himself through college. He graduated from Notre Dame in 1914. He became a Laboratory assistant to a noted polymer chemist and helped out with the football team at Notre Dame. He later rejected further work with in chemistry after receiving an offer to coach football. 
 During 13 years as head coach, Rockne over saw his "Fighting Irish" to 105 victories, 12 losses, five ties, and 5 national championships including five undefeated seasons without a tie! Rockne introduced the "shift" with the backfield lining up in a "T" formation then quickly shifting into a box to the left or right just as the ball was snapped. He worked hard to promoting Notre Dame football so as to make it financially successful. He was noted for wanting to shape and mold his football players lives. He wanted them to become more than just great football players. He wanted them to become great young men. He truly loved them and the game of football. It was his passion in life!
Knute Rockne died in a plane crash In Kansas on March 31st 1931. He was in route to oversee and help with a Hollywood movie called the " The spirit of Notre Dame." President Hoover called Rockne's death a "national loss."  A student gymnasium was named after him, Many things were built and named after him in his honor. Someone even composed a musical piece after him and it goes on and on. He was truly a great " All American."
His life and legacy gives me goosebumps. You can find his movie Knute Rockne All American at the local library. It is a fabulous movie and I highly recommend it!!! I am now taking a look at my life and seeing what kind of Legacy I can leave and what kind of loving example I can set.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Courage

Courage, what is the definition of courage? I heard a very nice talk last Sunday on courage. It was very good. The speaker said when it comes right down to it we all have courage. If a tragedy of some sort was to occur we would be doing all we could to help or fix the problem. We would be in kind of a shock mode and we would move mountains because we would have to. It is amazing what we would do if faced with a severe problem. If you look at the people that had to endure the hurricanes this last week they all had to be brave and do what was needed of them at the time. They were faced with hard times so they persevered and had the courage to get through it. In Websters dictionary  tells us the definition of courage is bravery, fearlessness and daring.

 One of my daughters has 4 boys and they are very hard at times. Her husband is gone a lot with his work. It takes a lot of courage for her to just get through the day sometimes. We show courage when we speak in church. It's not easy to speak in front of a congregation but by doing so we face our fears and become fearless! Sometimes when we have to confront family members or neighbors with issues that are bothering us that takes extreme bravery.  Think of some of your worst fears.Going to a funeral takes a lot of courage or watching someone die of cancer or some other ailment. Life is very very tough at times. You heard that old age saying " when the going gets tough the tough gets going." Isn't that the truth.

Our Military, Police force and Firefighters show and demonstrate extreme bravery and fearlessness all the time! You have all heard or read stories on this subject I'm sure you could share. Just a week ago on a remote island, lightening struck a huge mansion of a famous movie star and his house burned to the ground. They had seconds to get out of the house. His girlfriend, another famous movie star, picked up his 90 year old mother and carried her out of the house to safety. She didn't think about how heavy she might have been, she just went into action and saved the lady's life! We could go on and on with countless stories.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear. Not the absence of fear. So really ponder that quote. I have had a a lot of fear and anxiety just trying to face my loneliness. It's also fearsome trying to meet these different guys and date them. I am trying to face my fears with a big red badge of courage..So-to-speak. As I go on this journey I am trying to be fearless, brave and daring and really re-invent myself in this twilight of my Life. May we all have courage in conquering our quests!! I would love to hear your comments and stories on this subject....Beverly