Originally, this blog started out as an online dating service just for my mom. It was created to be a social networking tool to help my mom meet guys her age and inform her about singles events, as well as offer feedback and encourage her. Yes, there were incentives to motivate the viewers to get the ball rolling.
The idea began one night as I was on the phone with my mom and she was telling me the horror stories she had experienced with online dating. After two bad marriages my mom began to question if she had lost her pizazz. She wanted confirmation that the old "Bev" was still in there. The scars of life's challenges and trials seemed to be hiding her inner beauty and it was time for some interpersonal plastic surgery. I created this blog to prove to my mom that people still care and the world is still full of hope.It worked! My mom enjoyed being set up on some great dates and meeting new friends. Her confidence rose as encouraging comments came pouring in through the blog.
As things were looking up, we soon learned that many friends and family were not to keen of Mom's public quest to find a prince charming. It looked as though the only peaceful option was to shut the blog down. After agreeing on that decision, my mom became heartbroken and felt that shutting this blog down would be closing the door on her last opportunity for hope. After some encouraging words from several fans of the blog we decided to take it in a whole new direction.
The focus of this blog is to shed some light on what life is like in my mom's shoes. It is her hope that by sharing her personal experiences and thoughts with you from week to week, that she can be a beacon of light for single people just like her. By spreading awareness about the difficulties and social anxieties associated with being single and living in Utah, Beverly hopes to make a difference for people just like her.
This is a place where you can express your views and opinions on various topics and Beverly will respond. She hopes to make some great new friends. Focusing on helping others and sharing her message is a great distraction from the loneliness of being single. She plans to make some great new friends through this experience and who knows, she just might meet a great man in the process!