Hello everyone hasn't it been a fun start to the new year? I want to share some of the struggles I have had being back in the dating world.
I have been single so long I have hardly ever left the dating world ha.. ha..! I recently attended a fun singles "break your fast potluck" and had a very nice time. I was a little apprehensive to go at first but when I got there everyone was so nice and friendly. There was mostly women there but there was one older Italian man there. He was very brave to be there with so may women , never the less, he brought his home baked bread and joined in all the fun. What a brave soul.

After that everyone started leaving. The guy I had dated (Glen) left early because his eyes were hurting. Then my girlfriend (Karen) the late one, decided I needed to email her phone number to the (Layton) guy I liked. So like a fool I did. Then my daughter (Cherise) says I looked too obvious by sitting right next to the Layton guy. So I got my feelings hurt.
To sum everything up I wish I could go back in time and start over! I just wanted to help us all meet some cute guys and why did I email my girlfriends phone number to the guy I liked??! So live and learn! I was just trying too hard to please everyone else! I hope I learned a very good lesson the hard way. I do not want to try so hard and go overboard and I want to please myself as well.
Stay tuned for more fun of dating through the eyes of a dissapointed 57 year old!!...Beverly