My friends decided to throw me a nice Birthday party for my 58th Birthday this last weekend. Its was a pot-luck event. There were many nice people there. The food was delicious and inviting! It is so hard to be out here in the dating single world no matter how nice people are and it is just a day to day struggle. I feel like the older we are the more lax we are and the more we divulge about ourselves. Sometimes its just plain awkward. Never-the-less the night seemed to have a lot of fun in store for us.
My friend ( Chris) made a giant gorgeous red-velvet sheet cake covered with chocolate dipped strawberries and boy was it beautiful sight to behold! I was so grateful to her for all her thoughtfulness and hard work. She just barely met me last week but yet she was willing to make me this enormous birthday cake. There was also a nice lady there making Indian fry bread (scones) in the kitchen- that were great! A nice man from Italy was so proud of his spaghetti fritada he made for us. My other friend that put the party on, (Beth) is really getting in the swing of things and wanting to host these pot-luck parties. It is so fun to see her enthusiasm, even though she lost her husband a few years ago. These ladies had a nice little event going until I came on the scene and started exploding with ideas. I have helped turn this event into quite the fun party! Now we are having pot-luck events twice a month and people are inviting their friends. So they are catching on. I was down to zero friends almost and now I have tons. I did it all through prayers with our Father in Heaven. So, for me this turns out to be a nice support group since I didn't have one. The lesson learned here is, if you don't have much family you have to create one and life goes on......Beverly