Well everyone this is my favorite time of year. The flowers are blooming, the grass is getting green, birds are chirping, and their are wonderful smells of Spring in the air! People are starting to mow their lawns. Its also my favorite time of year because its a time to reflect and remember our lord and savior Jesus Christ and his resurrection.

This was a new beginning for him and the world just like Spring is a new beginning for the earth and mother nature. It's an awakening for both spiritual and temporal things. It is also a fun time to reflect on fond memories of the past and to watch some good old biblical movies. Some fun movies to watch would be The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, the Robe, Sparticus, and many others. My favorite character was "Moses" in The Ten Commandments wasn't he great!! I remember as a young child sitting in Sunday school and seeing pictures of Jesus and learning about him. I loved to hear all his great parables he told. I remember walking home form church this time of the year and smelling all the sweet flowers and watching the bees buzz around. I would watch the different birds fly by and feel the warm sunshine pouring down upon my soul. What a great time of year this was and is!
Being single and living alone forces you to ponder the good old days and memories from the past. I'm sure we all do this at one point or another in our lives. I have been living a lot in the past, watching a lot of old movies and day dreaming about days gone by. Lately I have been trying to live more in the present. I am trying to get more excited about the future and whats to come. I have been making a lot of new friends. It is a lot healthier to not expect so much out of life but to expect the very best out of ourselves! Then we don't become so upset and we feel that we are more in control of our lives. We do not become so disappointed and so dissatisfied with life.
My friend Beth has decided to hold family home evening at her home every Monday night! She had a husband pass away in tragic traffic accident while she was there. But she is not letting that get her down and is choosing to serve others! She has invited a speaker and is having a big barbeque at her home on April 14th for all us singles.
I have had such a better attitude about going to these functions. I have just tried to go and enjoy every ones company! I am not worrying about whether or not there is a cute guy there for me to meet. I am not thinking just because the guys are not so cute or people are older and different that I can't have fun! Its all about just enjoying peoples friendships and enjoying life and doing service! I am now trying to do things the Lords way and not Beverlys way!!! I am trying not to worry so much. Life is a whole lot better this way. And this is truly Springtime and my new Beginning!!........Beverly