Thursday, May 26, 2011

How She Lost Her Mojo

Who was the Old Bev?

My mom is always telling us bout the "old Bev" that she seems to have lost. Who is the old Bev you ask? The description is quite long so let me take you on a brief journey back in time.


It's summertime. My mom can be found turning her front yard into a carnival for all the neighborhood kids to come and enjoy. Games, lemonade, cookies and all!


At 18 years old my mom met her high school heart throb. Yes, the King himself - Elvis Presley. She went to his concert (in the blue Ford Mustang she bought herself) and waited around afterward until she could find a way to meet him. She met Elvis, his band and Elvis' Dad. They hung out after the show and he invited her to come see him at his next concert in Vegas and included his contact info. Here is the autograph!

Photo from

Jay Osmond (The Osmonds) met my mom at a dance in Provo. He asked her to dance and then took her out for an Orange Julius afterward.

"Every Breath You Take" by the Police is #1 on Billboard charts. My mom is the ward activity planner and plans activities "like it's 1999". She gets bands to perform, transforms the gym into the Love Boat and goes to town with her new calling. She has lots of close friends and the neighborhood loves her.


My mom finds her love for hot pink lip stick and is president of the PTA. She moves mountains for the community and petitions the city to put a cross walk where it is very much needed. It works and she is a hero!


My mom is single again and fresh on the scene. Her first date is with a handsome, intelligent guy 10 years her junior. He makes all of us dinner and takes us to the circus (not cheap).


My mom plans and goes on a cruise to Tahiti. She gains interest of the cruise ship captain and gets all the perks you can imagine. He continues to call and pursue her after she gets home.I saw a picture and he was quite a handsome man.


My mom takes us on a road trip to New Orleans. With hardly any money and no plans of where to stay, she works her charm and gets us freebies all along the way. An entire trip for almost nothing!


My mom meets "the man of her dreams" or so she thought. He was her backyard neighbor and they began dating this year. He later proposes to her and they marry the next year. 


My mom is number one sales person . She keeps her record for 6 years straight, gets recognition from the CEO and is asked to train and mentor other employees. 


This is the year that my mom divorces "Joe" who turned out to be living a secret lifestyle. He was the most dishonest person she had ever met and gave her a run for her money. During the short time they were married he left a trail of destruction all throughout the community and in our family. One day he up and left her out of the blue - later that day his secrets were exposed and she was hurt very badly.  My mom didn't know until after he was gone the extent of the damage he had caused on her relationships with friends and family.

Since this event in her life the "Old Bev" disappeared and the new Bev became very insecure and distrusting. My mom lost her desire to date, flirt or even have friends. She pulled herself into a bubble and focused on her job. She went from dates every weekend to dates with the TV every Friday night in a period of a few short years.

The two pictures at the top of the blog are the perfect example of this. The picture of my mom on the right wearing blue was taken shortly before she married "Joe". The picture of my mom on the left wearing green is her current from this year. As you can see there is a light in eyes and an energy about her face in the picture off to the right. The picture off to left portrays a tired, exhausted, and scarred Beverly. In addition to her thyroid going out about 10 years ago and having arthritis in her legs - she does the best she can to be happy. She doesn't want her physical obstacles to define who she is.

As you can see the time line shows some promising events in my mom's life. She always believed she was destined for great things.After a few detours my mom is finally ready to get that "Old Bev" back.We need your help and encouragement! Click on the "follow" button off to the right menu and follow Bev's journey.

1 comment:

  1. So I realized after writing this post that people could take the term "mojo" the wrong way. I hope you read the missing poster and know we are just talking about her positive energy - you know her "spark". :)LOL
