Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Positive Feedback

Wow! Since we began this ride a few weeks ago so many good things have happened. My mom always felt that this blog would benefit so many people in so many ways, and as moms usually are - she was right!

We have made some great new friends, helped some people in small heartfelt ways, received so much uplifting and motivational advice, and even have heard from some old friends we had lost contact with over the years. My mom has made a near 180 degree turn.

Before this experience, my mom's life and trials had hardened her and she had lost hope. She did her best to stay positive but there were many times when her phone calls would turn to tears because she felt so out of touch from the world. She works in a cubicle most of the day and is busy with her church callings and grandchildren so she really gets little opportunities to go out and meet people. She was tired of being alone on holidays and coming home to an empty house after work. She had been doing online dating, going to dances and doing her part but nothing was happening. She has been patient for 8 years and finally decided instead of waiting for someone to walk into her life she would try something new and creative. My mom is very proactive. Since we began this blog she has met so many nice people and she has been the most positive person in my life right now. All of your positive support, comments, advice and encouragement has done wonders on my mom's confidence and self-esteem and I want to thank you all!!

Here are some of our favorite comments and encouragement we have received over the last week (I tried to privatize the names that came through our email). This just proves how this blog is helping so many people - including my mom!

"Thanks Lindsey! You guys were darling. Here's to love!!!" Jennifer Stagg KSL 5

“What a surprise when we saw your KSL appearance with your mom tonight.  We thought it was very funny, clever and just plain you.  We wish you the best in your match making!”  A. Cox

“I think my Dad and your Mom might workout. I love my father to death. He has also never had a soul mate. He has 2 grandchildren, with one coming soon. He loves his children and dogs. Let me know what other information I can give you about dad. Hes 58 as of Friday. Thanks for your time.”  Joe

"Have you considered looking at for additional help? I firmly believe it would be a great source in deciding what to do with this beautiful woman's hair and how to enhance the rest of what she's been given. Kudos to you Bev for doing this. I wish you all the best!" Anonymous

“Have you heard of Dressing Your Truth? The center is in Draper. I think they could have some really helpful pointers for your mother on this journey.” The McGraws

“I saw this on KSL and I have to say, it makes me so happy! I'm divorced as well and it seems so hard to meet quality men. Good luck Bev, he's out there somewhere, looking for you. Lindsey you are a wonderful daughter. I wish you both the best!” Carol

“I think social networking is a great way to bring more possibilities to the table.” Genevieve

“I think this is SO Fantastic!! Way to go Lindsey for helping out your Gorgeous Momma. I love this. I know he's out there, Bev, hold on!! Advice from an "old maid" in Utah that just found her Prince Charming?? NEVER STOP SEARCHING!” Candace

“Hi Bev and daughter, I have your perfect match-my ex-husband! He is exactly what you are looking for...I can email you a pic let me know:)” angie

“My dad is one of the most caring guys you will ever meet, generous and loyal almost to a fault.  He would give the shirt off his back to his family if they needed it.  He loves his family and is a great grandfather.  My dad is funny and truly cares about the people around him. My dad is a great guy who deserves a great woman and if you are that person then that would be great.   If you are interested let me know and I wish you all the luck in the world finding that person who makes you whole.   Best wishes and God Bless”, C. O'Brien   (hopeful daughter!)

"Cute thing you're doing for your mom.Can't believe she never found a decent man.She is so cute." Alta

“Hi! Heard about you on KSL Nightside Show. Pretty cool.” A. Cummings

“BRAVO! The changes you've made CLEARLY shows proof to any interested men, that just because Beverly has been single for a while, DOESN'T mean she's "set in her ways" or "unwilling to compromise". And LOVE the change to the reward. She's not handing over $1,000 in cash which COULD come across as crass to a few people.” Anonymous

“I saw the story air last night on the news. I know a guy that I think would be perfect for her. He is active member of the lds church. He has a passion for cooking. He collects trains. He is an overall sweetheart. He is a thoughtful creative man, with a lot going for himself. He hasn't had the best of luck with women. I don't feel anyone should be lonely. So even if they don't make the best couple, I know would could be great friends. Let me know what you think and I will talk to him.” S. Johnson  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Poll Results

It was unanimous. With 53% of the votes look #13 is the winner! Let's see if Bev will consider it.

Look #3 ( which I call the news reporter look) came in second with 16% of the votes.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Local Star

We want to thank Jennifer Stagg from KSL 5 for doing our story. She did a great job and we love KSL!

When we got the phone call on Wednesday, they wanted to meet with us ASAP. I had to call my mom and she had to try to get work off early. She made it home 30 minutes before they arrived. During those 30 minutes, she washed her hair, redid her makeup and did a wardrobe change. She's not too keen of short notice when going to be on TV but nonetheless she amazed us all with her speed in getting ready.

This morning she was leaving my son's musical performance  and a truck stopped her. The people inside asked her if she was the lady on the news last night. She said she was and they said, "That's so cool! We hope it works out for you." It caught her off guard but she appreciated the encouragement. If you see my mom out and about and you recognize her, feel free to say "hi" it will absolutely make her day!

Also, if you are new to this blog and want to learn more about my mom, click on the menu tab at the top of the blog called "Meet Bev" there is also a link under "labels" on the side menu and there is a tab called "More about Bev"

Video Courtesy of

Friday, June 10, 2011

Virtual Makeover

A few comments have come our way suggesting that Bev lose the bleached blond look and and go for warmer tones. Bev has had the same hair color since back in the 80's. Other suggestions were that at least go for a different hair style, possibly a shorter look. My mom thinks she does not look good without sporting bangs. She has always had them spread across her forehead. She has a scar, so that is why. Also, my mom always has worn purple eyeshadow, heavy eyeliner and pink lipstick. Suggestions have included that she try some new colors, possibly lighten up on the colors and amount.

If you know my mom then you know that change doesn't always come easy. My mom says these are the ONLY colors that look good on her. So, I went to to give my mom a virtual makeover. She has no idea I did this.I changed around her makeup and hair about 13 times and want to know what look you like best. For fun, I gave her a red carpet look as well as a casual look. I gave her just about every type of hair imaginable just for variety.I even took away the bangs and you can't even see the scar.

What do you think? Could my mom pull off any of these looks - and why? I personally think look #16 looks the most realistic and look #2 and #3 are the most fun. If you recognize some of these hairstyles it's because they were cut and pasted right off of celebrities heads. It's a cool website. Vote and comment below:

Look 1

Look 2

Look 3

Look 4

Look 5

Look 6

Look 7

Look 8

Look 9

Look 10

Look 11

Look 12

Look 13

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hot on the Trail of Mr. Right

Wow! We are getting some great referrals and things will soon be getting pretty interesting. We have had some people right in our own backyard come forward with some fantastic candidates. It's funny how they never would have thought to line up their friends with my mom until they saw us on the news! That's exactly why we are doing this.

So far, my mom's experience with going public on her dating quest has been just what the doctor ordered. We have made some great friends, had some life changing experiences and are now hot on the trail of Mr. Right. You'll be a part of this every step of the way so be sure to stay tuned in to our blog!

My mom just sent me this message:

"Wow Lindsey let the news station and our viewers..know..we are on to word I feel so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!for the first time in my life there is hope! I feel a new beginning.. I am loosing weight..Its been many years..I had lost hope in the dating world and myself.. I think this is the best thing ever and we are helping people - all my fear is gone. When you have faith ..there is hope and when have hope.....Then you have something to live for and dream for and work for..YEA!!!!!!!!"

Thanks everyone!

Just remember, your neighbor, uncle, co-worker, father, facebook pal or mailman man just might be looking for a way to break up their lonely week. A date with my mom could be a win-win for all! Contact us to find out.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Mom's Makeover

I gave my mom a makeover last weekend. She wasn't too excited about it because she had spent so much time on her make up for our little photo shoot. She didn't want me to wash her hair and wipe off her art work.I talked her into it and told her to trust me.

I decided to give her a summer glow with shimmery gold tones. I also enhanced her cheekbones and eyes to make her face thinner and her eyes bigger. She let me trim her hair and pluck her eyebrows.I washed her hair and showed her how my inexpensive grocery store products can make anyone's hair silky soft. My mom buys expensive salon products and I don't think they are giving her results.

I put some earrings on her and told her to start wearing them again. What do you think? When my husband saw her the first thing he said was, "Wow, your face looks so much thinner." my mom got excited and with her new confidence she began to dance around our house and sing. She shook her moves for my husband and he quickly left the room. When she saw herself in the mirror she said, "Oh my gosh, I don't even recognize myself". Later that day my brother in law came over and when he saw her he said, "Beverly, I really like you hair. It looks really good," Everyone kept commenting and taking pictures of her.

Here is the Before and After. Vote below and let us know what you think.Your decision could decide my mom's future.My mom thinks losing weight is her only chance to look more attractive. I think updating her look will do just as much. What do you think?
