Friday, June 10, 2011

Virtual Makeover

A few comments have come our way suggesting that Bev lose the bleached blond look and and go for warmer tones. Bev has had the same hair color since back in the 80's. Other suggestions were that at least go for a different hair style, possibly a shorter look. My mom thinks she does not look good without sporting bangs. She has always had them spread across her forehead. She has a scar, so that is why. Also, my mom always has worn purple eyeshadow, heavy eyeliner and pink lipstick. Suggestions have included that she try some new colors, possibly lighten up on the colors and amount.

If you know my mom then you know that change doesn't always come easy. My mom says these are the ONLY colors that look good on her. So, I went to to give my mom a virtual makeover. She has no idea I did this.I changed around her makeup and hair about 13 times and want to know what look you like best. For fun, I gave her a red carpet look as well as a casual look. I gave her just about every type of hair imaginable just for variety.I even took away the bangs and you can't even see the scar.

What do you think? Could my mom pull off any of these looks - and why? I personally think look #16 looks the most realistic and look #2 and #3 are the most fun. If you recognize some of these hairstyles it's because they were cut and pasted right off of celebrities heads. It's a cool website. Vote and comment below:

Look 1

Look 2

Look 3

Look 4

Look 5

Look 6

Look 7

Look 8

Look 9

Look 10

Look 11

Look 12

Look 13


  1. I like the haircut on look #7 but not the make up. Less use of liner will make her look younger and fresher. I would NOT do the short hair cut. The longer hair cuts elongate her face making her look thinner. Good luck!! I am 47 and looking myself so I know the drill.

  2. I voted for 9 based off of color, but really I think look #3 with #9 color. I think #9 stays true to her blonde, but makes it more natural. :) Best of luck.

  3. Have you considered looking at for additional help? I firmly believe it would be a great source in deciding what to do with this beautiful woman's hair and how to enhance the rest of what she's been given. Kudos to you Bev for doing this. I wish you all the best!
