Hello Everyone,
Just thought I would write a quick note about Making our New Years Resolutions. Its that time again! Its a time to look back at all our accomplishments over the last Year. Its a time to ponder, reflect and rethink the past years doings! Is is a time to take stock of our lives and do some inventory. I say out with the bad and in with the good! Lets not focus on all the couda-shouda-wouda's, but rather lets just focus on what we have done good for this last year! Give your self a pat on the back for all your milestones you made and efforts you put in this year to maybe change some things, or service your did. or just plane good deeds!
Now that you feel great about all the good things you have done over the past year its time to get started for the new year. First we must have the Desire to do great things in this year of 2012! Desire is better than what we want. What we desire comes from the heart and is in harmony with our spirit! We should pour out our heart to Heavenly Father about our desires. Let them be known! We need to follow the spirit and listen to the voice of the holy spirit.We should Have a desire to serve the lord this year and help all mankind. We need to love ourselves and what we do. We need to be kind and patient with our selves. We need to put off the natural man. Lets develop qualities this year to become like God.
This new year lets become selfless, love all of Heavenly fathers children, and treat everyone well! Lets be more charitable and kind and then we will become humble, patient, Christ-like, meek. submissive, and forgiving to name just a few food qualities. So lets be diligent and seek him. Lets have the true desire in our hearts to do these things. These are the kind of New year resolutions we should be making. Lets rid ourselves of all our sins and bad thoughts. Lets pray more and have faith. Then we will receive what we truly desire! So out with the bad and in with the good! Its onward and upward!! Lets all make it a wonder, awesome, and fabulous New Year of 2012!!!!....SO GO GET EM!!!!!...Beverly