I watched a great movie on TV the other night. It was that good old favorite Holiday classic that most of you watch every year, it's called "A Wonderful Life." It is really a good Christmas movie! I really got into it this year. As I sat and watched it I realized I really do have a wonderful Life.

How may of us have felt this way at one time or another? Most of us can relate to this story. I know I can. Every Christmas Season gets really hard for me . Its a busy time of year that can make or break us. Well luckily George has an angel that comes from Heaven and saves his life. He helps George see that he really had a wonderful life after all. It took George almost loosing his life ad never being born to realize just how good he had it! He truly had a great wife and family that loved him. He may have not been rich monetarily but he was rich in his blessings.
Well the same goes for me and probably most of us. This great movie helped me realize I have a wonderful life! I am trying to be the most up beat I have ever been through the Holidays! I am trying to be the most giving I have ever been and I am trying to live do all the commandments better than I ever have. I am trying to truly have a Christ centered life! This is where I will find my salvation and my happiness. Going to the temple helps me tremendously. It protects me from the out side evils of the world. The most important thing we can ever do is to remember and love our Savior Jesus Christ. Especially this time of the year. What gifts can we truly give him this Christmas? We need to invite his spirit into our homes and be as loving, kind, forgiving, and tolerant as he was. He is truly our King of Kings.
So at the end of the movie "Its a wonderful Life" George Bailey is given his Life back. He doesn't care if he goes to jail as long as he can have his family and his life everything else is secondary! So he gets his second chance. All his friends, neighbors, and customers came to his aide and rounded up all the money he was missing and gave it to him so he would not go to jail for something he did not do. Isn't this a great story with a great powerful message that really teaches us whats important in this life!
Well I wish you all a very "Merry Christmas" and a joyous Happy Holiday Season!..........Beverly
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