Sunday, May 19, 2013

Yay! I'm Back!

Hello everyone! Well its time to update this website with the latest and greatest that's be happening in my single world. I needed to take a break and boy it did a world of good for me! I have learned alot, thought alot, and did alot!  I would like to share my thoughts with you all again in hoping I can help others in my similar or same situation. 
I used to think I could never be alone or I just had to have a companion no matter what. Over the last year I have thought and thought about this and have decided I have a pretty nice life and I am just going to serve the Lord and be my best self and see what happens.

It has been a fun journey. I have been a part of two different singles groups. The first one was helping out with a singles pot-luck group. I have met a lot of friends ( female and male) in this group and have had a lot of fun along the way. We put on wonderful pot lucks every 1st Sunday of the month. I have never missed being there one time. We have had  Mexican, Hawaiian, Irish and many other fun singles dinners and activities. I went with the attitude that  I was just going to go to serve  others and meet some new single friends. We have had three people get married from the group. One of the gals was 71 years old and in a wheel chair and she married a cute guy that just wanted to take care of her. My other cute girlfriend Beth met a guy in Virginia and married him! I was invited to their weddings and it has been both rewarding and great fun! I am also involved with the singles firesides in Draper. We invite the people from both groups to do things. We have had great well known speakers at these firesides.

I have had some fund dates along the way. I always go on the date with a great attitude and try to look and be my best. If it doesn't work out then I say well at least he can be a friend  or I can line him up with someone else. You see- always having the good attitude is what is most important. Also I have been making a few changes here and there with in myself so I can be what I want to attract. We even have an 85 year old in the group and he brings his pot luck dish every Fast Sunday like clock work!

Hey he is a nice guy and available!
So I have I have had to learn patience, never give up, and to be greatfull for the life I have! Please stay tuned......there is alot more I am going to share wtih you.....Beverly

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