Have you ever noticed how we go through life and we
are dealt trials and we wonder why? I was wondering this yesterday and spent over two hours on the phone to one of my daughters. I've been struggling with a few lately! I later went to the movies to see Soul Surfer. It was excellent; a 12, on a scale of 1-10. It was the most heart warming spiritual movie and I highly recommend it to everyone. It is a true story about a young teenage girl that is a competition surfer. She is taking the world by storm and is top in surfing and winning awards etc. Suddenly one day she is out surfing with friends and is attacked by a dangerous shark. The shark bites her arm off up to her shoulder. The movie is so good; I cried several times through it. Many times she struggles and does not want to surf any more. Her family struggles along with her and tries to help her through and encourages her to get back into surfing, especially her dad. So, the movie shows her constant struggles and hard times.
I can relate to this because a few of my friends and my daughter have been trying to encourage me and give me their love and support lately through my trials and hard times. I always like to help others as we all do. But I thought about how hard it is to share my struggles sometimes with other like in the movie. The girl later goes to do some charity work over in Thailand where that first tsunami hit and helped all those poor desperate people. She learned that there are people worse off than her and it really humbled her and taught her some great lessons. She went back home, worked out and practiced surfing all she could. Then she entered one of the biggest competitions, scored very high and almost won. One of her worst rivals won. The one girl that won had given her such a hard time and was rude to her all through her life. The girl later sort of apologized. She thanked her for giving her a hard time. She said that is what made her try harder and mold who she is today. She was thankful for her trials. Her family told her how sorry they were that she did not win and she told them yes she did win in other ways.

I learned so many lessons from the movie or I was reminded of how I don't have it so bad. You can all relate. I had to dig deep in my soul yesterday and ponder. I realized that we have many trials so that we can learn many lessons and how to handle situations better. I learned that we have to reach out to others and sometimes listen. We need to let down our pride. We should do charity work and help others and serve which in turn helps us. The movie also taught we should not judge others and try to see things from their perspective. I mean here I am seeing all the things I have been struggling with. The movie showed such unconditional love and support for one another!!!! I could go on and on. I should be thankful I don't have an arm cut off. I'm just lonely. I need to be thankful for the people that are giving me a hard time because they just want to make me try harder to be a better person! Oh, and the girl in the movie also taught that we must forgive everyone!! I agree with all theses lessons but it is just trying to deal with certain situations and people that can be rough which I'm sure you will all agree.
As we all go through this journey of life together we are constantly learning and trying until we can succeed . This in turn is going to shape and mold us for things to come. So, as we go through the next few weeks we will grow and learn together and I welcome your comments. I love to read them. I have been learning a lot and the good comments have been bringing me joy and helping me. I hope I can get rid of this pit in my stomach and not feel so lonely. I don't have a problem doing things alone and I am grateful for my wonderful life, food friends, and all my blessings. I just don't want to go everywhere alone and could use some support. Hopefully through this blog I can conquer that!!! I also hope we can use this blog for uplifting and helping each other together.
til' next time ..Beverly