I then had a breakfast for some ladies in the neighborhood that me and a friend had put on and had gone to a lot of work. No one showed up, I thought I would die. Now, mind you a couple of ladies had to cancel and it was something they could not help so we completely understood. One lady got called into work and the other had a funeral out of town so it was truly something they could not help. But never the less it was a trying time. So, I quickly called a neighbor to come and eat. She came right over and we all had a great time. She shared some to very inspirational information with us and everything turned out better after all.
I am in need of some great and uplifting messages this week. I did find some in the meantime so I thought I would share them with you viewers. Here they are:
Because of the rock foundation with God we have we do not not need to sink with Satan. All the sin in the world can't hurt you unless you let it in. We can't isolate our self from the world, we need to reach out for help and help others. We need to listen to the still small voice and promptings.God is here to back us up.
Here is a nice quote by Robert fulghum I would like to share with you - I think you will like it.
"I am a fragment of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have~ I can reflect light into the dark places of this world~into the black places in the hearts of men--and change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life." I think this is so true and very inspiring!
Update: a gentleman in my church came over and helped me fix all the flood damage and problems. Now, everything is back on track! He would not accept any money. He just goes around helping everyone in the stake . He says this is his way of doing service. In just a matter of a few hours everything is now back on track and good again. I relied on my rock and also had to reach out to others. So this week and from now on if you have hard times I would encourage you to do the same. I welcome your thoughts on this and your stories. Please weigh in on this and comment and share some things that have happened to you. We would love to hear form you.
I am still on my journey to meet Mr. right and this week I am going to sign up for E-harmony so wish me luck and I will keep you posted! '
Till next time Beverly.
Oh Beverly,you poor lady! You are going through such a rough time right now, but you keep your head up, and I admire that immensely! You resist the temptation to just "give up" and you keep such a good attitude. No one deserves to find a wonderful partner as much as you do! I really do think that e-harmony dating site could turn out to be the ticket. I hear so many people are finding true love on these sites now. There IS someone out there for you, and you will find him! My best to you..